
اندلاع حريق هائل فى 40 شاحنة مصنع غسالات فى بريطانيا

نشب حريق ضخم فى ما يقرب من 40 شاحنة فى مصنع للغسالات فى بيتربورو، فى بريطانيا ، ويحاول أكثر من 50 من رجال الإطفاء للسيطرة على الحريق حسبما ذكرت شبكة سكاى نيوز.

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  1. Hello fellas. My friends and I are overjoyed we stumbled upon the articles here. I’ve been hunting for this info for years and I will be convincing my sisters to swing on by. The other morning I was flipping through the web world trying to uncover an answer to my stifling questions. Now I am inspired to take more action in whatever measures possible. We are getting all flipped out on the signs we are seeing. Again I just wanted to thank you the next time I had a chance for such expansive research. This has opened me out of my comfort zone. Many sweet new things are happening in my life. Its such a perfect community to make conscious efforts known to many. It is known that I am into the topic of grand kundalini awakening sedona. Let me know if you are wondering more. Thanks for taking time to read my work. Make sure you forward me a PM and I will get back as soon as I can. God speed and I’ll meet with you when we can.

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